Choose our desktop wallpapers made with AI that are also fitting for laptop wallpapers. The folder with these HD wallpapers is versatile and
easy to work with because we create a separate subfolder for each grouping of aspect ratios. So you won't have to waste time or get your hopes up
sorting through a cluttered group of images with different sizes. Desktop wallpapers have widths ranging from 1024px-1980px and a ~16:9 aspect ratio.
We offer our current assortment of AI images that would serve as perfect HD tablet wallpapers made with AI. Every image in this collection has
a width of at least 768px with an aspect ratio of 3:4 i.e. they serve as portrait oriented tablet wallpapers.
Our anime ai images are the 2nd most searched category in our library. All the most famous characters and cartoon scenes are at your disposal, including
a plethora of Luffy photos, Dragonball Z characters, Pokemon, and Naruto. These are perfect for digital wallpapers or whatever suits your needs.
AI book images we serve come in the form of actual physical book photos, as well as depicted scenes from famous books and book series like Harry Potter
ai photos, Bible story scenes, and many other fiction and non-fiction novels and stories.
AI photos of all the major car brands exist here, as well as person in car scenes, whether driving or relaxing in a vehicle. The car section includes
all other autos i.e. ai motorcycle pics, trucks, boats, and any other vehicle ai images you can think of.
Celeb photos are coveted by many and should be used responsibly considering the real life implications of AI. Most of our celebrity AI images are mad
realistic, while others may be caricatures, or more cartoon-like in nature.
Pet AI images are another popular category. All the usual suspects exist in droves, including cute cat pics, dogs, puppies, and tons of
anthropomorphic animal photos.
Similar to the celebs category, political AI-generated images should be used responsibly. We have AI images of all the current major figures, and also a nice
mix of significant historical leaders of yesteryear.
Our wildlife AI pics contain all the exotic animals of the jungle, the ocean, and the desert.
Every AI image
•30 GB
Buys out our entire AI image gallery (as of 11/22/2024) with corresponding prompts! Ideal for developers, or if you want all our images without
painstakingly downloading them one by one.